Monday, March 2, 2009

optimize the Ad senses

Google ad sense is undoubtedly the best advertisement program and there so many guidelines which needed to be followed when you use Google adsense advertisement program on your

First and most important among them is number of maximum ad units you can use on your website:

According to the official Google blog: the maximum number of ad unit that anyone can display on there website are:

  1. One
    - video unit (currently only available in specific countries and languages, though we’re working to expand video units to additional publishers soon)
  2. Two
    - Ad Sense for search boxes
  3. Three
    - standard Ad Sense for content ad units, and
    - 3 link units

Though there are so many options available but I will highly suggest use minimum of ad units or utilize adverts only at the bottom or at the sidebar.

Though right now I’m experimenting with the google adsense and any idea or suggestion regarding the same would be appreciated. Specially with the best ad placement guide.

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